Diversified Private Credit Portfolios

Consumer Loans Generating Steady Returns
We present an innovative and compelling set of investments designed to help investors generate high income and steady returns through private credit. With more than a decade of experience we have track of success through up and down economic cycles and periods of high market volatility. The low correlation of our returns to traditional stock and bond markets makes this asset class attractive for many investors who are concerned with the risk / reward tradeoff as well as a moderate liquidity window.
US Consumer Credit Fund
MarkitLend US Consumer Credit Fund selects loans from America’s leading consumer loan origination platforms. Our loan selection process use proprietary software analytical tools to select loans that offer high risk adjusted returns. The portfolio is managed by Fernando Sanchez, who developed the credit analytics and has a proven track record of success. Start your investment today.
Key Fund Features
- More than 1,300 loans in the portfolio
- Stated loan purpose is debt consolidation or credit card refinance
- Wide range of credit qualities
- Initial maturities of 1 to 5 years
- Overall maturity 2.75 years
- Active loan loss provisioning
- Limited partnership
Click here to learn more about USCF
Tailored Consumer Loan Portfolios
Our proprietary loan selection software can be implemented for separately managed accounts. Loan selection criteria can be parametered according to the client’s defined objectives and selection criteria.
Contact us to discuss your needs